About Us
History of Friends Church
The Friends Movement began in England in the midst of political turmoil which caused many to question the Church of England. One of the earliest, and most prominent, Friends was George Fox. Fox travelled around England preaching that Christ has come to teach His people Himself. Friends believe that God, through Christ, can speak to each man directly and that we have no need for mediators, either priest or sacrament, between us and God.
The Religious Society of Friends, though small, has had an international influence because of its members dedication to equality and peace. In 1682, William Penn founded Pennsylvania as a haven for Quakers who were persecuted in England. The ideals of his community, such as religious freedom, were a heavy influence on the American founding fathers.
The Friends were also instrumental in the abolition of slavery in both England and America, the struggle for women’s rights, and peace. In 1947, The Religious Society of Friends was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for its dedication to peace throughout the world.
Argonia Friends Church
The first meeting of Friends in Argonia was in 1882. Each Sunday the “Dixon and Green Castle” meeting met eight miles northeast of Conway Springs. After one year, the Mentor School House, just one mile east of Argonia, was purchased and the Argonia meeting separated from the Green Castle meeting because of distance.
In 1891, due to lack of space, the school was moved to Argonia and expanded. That same year John Snavely, the first appointed preacher, came to serve the meeting.
After one more expansion to the school house, the meeting was too large and in 1920 a new meeting house was built. By 1934, 239 people were enrolled in Sunday School classes. Classes were held in the kitchen, on the basement steps, and three were held at the same time in the chapel.
In 1979, Argonia Friends moved to its current location at 202 N. Pine after Nina Davis donated the land to build a new meeting house. The first service was held in the building on December 16, 1979 and had an attendance of 185.
In 1996, Argonia Friends helped fund the building of a sister church in Rusumo, Africa. We currently have two sister churches in Africa.
Since John Snavely, other pastors that have served at Argonia Friends includes Lela Gordon Chance, Art Binford, Clarence Lanier, Francis McKinney, Mike Neifert, Wil Ramsey, Scott Morin, and our current Pastor, Eric Linville. Clarence Lanier was pastor for over 20 years, then Francis McKinney served for 12 years, and Mike Neifert served for 12 more years. During Mike's tenure, in 2010, Argonia Friends hired the first Youth Pastor to serve in Argonia, Wil Ramsey. Wil later served as Senior Pastor for a short time until Scott Morin's arrival in 2013. After a year with no pastor, Argonia Friends welcomed Eric Linville to serve as pastor in August of 2018.
Argonia Friends is a meeting dedicated to seeking God’s will and expanding his kingdom. It is a part of both our heritage and our future.